Thea Bee's Busy Blog

Journal With Purpose

I think that keeping a journal is a wonderful way to validate your life. As we get older, we truly forget so much that has happened in our lives. How many of you remember your teachers names? What you did on Saturday nights in high school? Your second child’s first word, time of birth? Why you quit talking to neighbor at your first apartment? Some of these are not very significant really but sometimes it drives you crazy when you ask yourself some of these questions. I wish my parents would have left behind some journals. I don’t know near as much as I wish I knew about their lives.

It’s time for a journal assignment. I find that I ask myself many questions as I write my journal entries. I always start with the date and day of the week. Sometimes, I like to play catch up first and add some (what I consider) important happenings. Or if I came up with a solution to a previous question. Other times, I am in the mood to reminisce about a time or a place or a person.

This week I want to challenge you to write about “Letting go of the guilt.” I think this is an important topic to cover. You may feel guilty about many things, one small thing or one very large incident. It’s time to lay it out on the line.

Journals don’t have to be hand written and laying around for someone to find and read. Whip up a clean page on your laptop. Label the folder: cleaning products or feminine products or muscle cars or sports stats. Nobody needs to know that you are writing. That is your choice. Putting feelings down on paper gives you a certain amount of freedom! ENJOY!!! And don’t hold back!