Thea Bee's Busy Blog

About Me

My name is Thea Bea. My parents thought that they had made up my first name. My dad was Theodore and my mom’s middle name was Theodora, they shortened it and named me Thea. The middle name of Bea was for my grandmother who died less than two weeks prior to my birth. All my life I heard how I really missed out not meeting this lady.

I have always wanted to be a writer. Over the years I have had so many ideas to write about but didn’t follow my dream (which I now regret.) Over my lifetime, many people have asked my advice. I have always been a great listener and have common sense so I have helped more than a few friends and acquaintances over my lifetime.

I have been encouraged by a number of people to share my knowledge and some of my experiences. They have encouraged me because they believe I have something to share which might be useful to others. I have a blog that I started a few years ago: from which I have received a lot of positive input.

I hope that you will give my blog a chance. And I hope in some way it may be helpful!!!